Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Short Story: Lightning Struck, Part Five

By Sebastiaan

The fifth and final part to my story.

Lightning Struck, Part Five

If only it had been a dream...

There we were, with the overcast sky howling thunder at us. We argued, I was mad at you for acting so strange. That's when I changed, I lost myself. After all, it should have been you who was mad at me for acting strange.

I threw you out of the car and drove away. But I drove blindly, right into a tree. I was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up, it all seemed a bad dream. A doctor was hanging over me. "Good morning," he said. "Sleep well?" And it was here that the recovery process had started.

It is only now that I understand what beast lures inside me.

"I hope you can hear me, I hope you can see me," I called out loud on top of the hill were we last were. The car was standing next to me, a new car. I looked at the sky, which was rapidly turning a dark shade of grey. "It's these three words: I am sorry." I sat down, and waited for the thunderstorm to get here.

Lightning struck again.

Dust to dust... I thought. Storm clouds gathered all over my head.
Ashes to...

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