Sunday, December 13, 2009


By Sebastiaan

A little something about one of the most epic games ever. This is no video game; I'm talking about the card/board game Munchkin.

Over the years, this game has grown into something pretty big. There are six expansion packs for the card game alone, not counting the eight stand-alone games and Blender, which is ideal for mixing multiple sets of cards, with each their own expansion packs.

We have a pretty big Munchkin collection, though it is not yet complete. I will post a photo of our collection soon. EDIT: photo posted. Excluded from the photo is Munchkin Blender, we put it in the Star Munchkin box. Most of our games are in Dutch (1-4, Munchkin Bites and Cthulhu).

Yesterday we played Munchkin Quest, the board game version, for the first time. We had to get used to the rules a bit, there are some significant differences with the card game, although it has all the power of the card game (especially the humour). A lot of the cards are direct imports from the card game, but there are also some I don't recognize. Could be because most of our card sets are in Dutch, I'm not quite sure. But does it really matter? The game remains brilliant.

It's quite inspiring, I will probably go and create my own set of cards, purely for home-use.

For the Munchkin-players reading this: we had an epic final boss battle, in which we had to scrape every last resource as a bonus from our hand and cards in play. We being me and the second master of Zwollywood, my brother. We teamed up for the final battle, coming to a total of 55, not counting dices, versus 63 for the boss (and a wandering level 17 monster). Then I rolled pretty badly, and my brother rolled pretty good for the monsters. I used my bobble-head, a loaded die, and found that I could throw another die for a card. This had to be a three for us to win, but it was a two... Then we noticed the monsters still had a minus 4 penalty, and thus we were able to win...

Right, that was unreadable for non-Munchkiners, and probably all the more boring.

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